Automobile Type Approval Handbook for Japanese Certification WEB

Order the Blue Book

* Required

Order Form

Contract term *

One year from the first day of the month indicated at left

You can start using the Web Service after your payment is confirmed.
When choosing the month in which you would like to start using the Web Service, please consider the time that you may take to make payment.
Unless you notify us of your intention to cancel the contract no later than two months before the expiration date, the contract will be updated annually.

Number of licenses *

The number of licenses means the number of terminals from which you can log in to the Web Service simultaneously.
One or more IDs can be issued, for up to the contractual number of licenses.
Please indicate in the box below ("Allocation of licenses to each ID") the number of IDs that you wish to use as well as the number of licenses that you wish to allocate to each ID, if any.
If no indication is made, only one ID will be issued regardless of the number of licenses.

Allocation of licenses to each ID

Example: * if the number of licenses is 5
Number of IDs needed:3
Allocation:ID 1 ->2 licenses
ID 2 ->2 licenses
ID 3 ->1 license

Subscriber *

Member of any of the related automotive associations? *

If "Yes", name of the organization

Original invoice * [?]

In either case of "Not Required" and "Required", we will send you the invoice in PDF format by e-mail.

Hanko seals on the invoice * [?]

If "Not Required" is selected, no Hanko seal will be affixed when the original invoice is requested.

Language of business transaction *

We will communicate with you and issue your bill in the language chosen here.

Estimated fee

0 Yen

Scheduled date of payment *

Information on the Subscriber (Responsible User)

* The Responsible User means a person appointed by users as their representative at the time of user registration who is held responsible for administering the usage of the Web Service, the contract of the Web Service and other general matters related to the Web Service and who serves as a contact between JASIC and users in respect of the Web Service. Users must appoint one Responsible User for their contract of the Web Service.

Postal address *

Zip code

Company/organization *


Your name *

Contact information

  E-MAIL *

We will send the following information/documents to the person that has filled out the form "Information on the Subscriber (Responsible User)":
1. ID(s) and password(s)
2. Bill
3. Administrative information on the Blue Book Web Service
4. JASIC News
5. Notice on the change of ID(s) and/or password(s)
6. Notice on the contract renewal
